New logo!

We are super excited to unveil our new logo!

  1. Dove of peace: Jesus “preached peace to those who were far off and those who were near”; made peace between God and humanity possible; and called his followers to a “ministry of reconciliation”. As followers of Jesus, we want to emulate him. His life is instructive for how we should live. We follow Jesus the bringer of peace: so we seek to be peacemakers - actively working for peace and reconciliation in our church community, our families, our neighbourhoods and the earth.

  2. The City: The narrative of the Bible starts in a garden, but ends in a city! Cities are often portrayed as places of corruption, decay and immorality. We believe that by ending with a vision of a glorious city - the New Jerusalem, the Bible celebrates and values cities as places of innovation, beauty and meaningful relationship between all of creation. We love Peckham and we want to see our neighbourhood flourish!

  3. Colours: We celebrate the diversity of our neighbourhood and church community. We also want to encourage creativity: for how we engage in our own faith journeys, and for the joy of being co-creators with God. We must pay attention to the artists, the poets and the prophets to hear the voice of God.

If you would like to know about who we are… get in touch, or come along to one of our events or church gatherings. You are very welcome!